Cynthia Pizarro, PhD
National Scientific and Technical Research Council
School of Agriculture, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Research Focus
General: Social Anthropology, Sociology
Regional: Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Latin American Nationals Abroad
Thematic: Rural Studies, International Immigration, Identity Processes, Labor Market, Ethnographic Methods, Political Ecology, Applied Anthropology
Education and professional career
Cynthia Pizarro is Ph.D. in Anthropology, University of Buenos Aires, and M.A. in Social Sciences, University of Catamarca, Argentina. She works as a Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council. She is a Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at the School of Agriculture, University of Buenos Aires and the Chair of the Master’s Program in Rural Development of the same School of Agriculture.
She has published two books as single author and edited another five. She has published 54 papers in well-known scientific journals and 43 chapters of books on her discipline.
She has directed several research projects which received funds from different governmental agencies. She has trained post-graduate students that are part of the research teams resulting not only in their PhD dissertations but also in the reinforcement of their subsequent careers as junior researchers.
She has evaluated numerous theses, articles, and research projects.
Selected publications
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2018. Ruralities, Economy Activities and Labor Markets in the Delta next to the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires: CICCUS.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2016. Bolivian Labor Immigrants` Experiences in Argentina. Maryland. Lexington Books.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2015. Bolivianos y bolivianas en la vida cotidiana cordobesa: Trabajo, derechos e identidad en contextos migratorios (Bolivian Men and Women in Every Day LIfe in Córdoba: Work, Rights and Identity in Migratory Contexts). Córdoba, Argentina: Universidad Católica de Córdoba.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2011. “Ser Boliviano” en la Región Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Córdoba. Localización Socio-espacial, Mercado de Trabajo y Relaciones Interculturales. (“Being a Bolivian” in the Metropolitan Region of Córdoba City. Socio-Spatial Location, Labor Market and Intercultural Relations). Córdoba, Argentina: Universidad Católica de Córdoba.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2011. Migraciones Internacionales Contemporáneas: Estudios para el Debate (Contemporary International Migrations: Studies for Debate). Buenos Aires, Argentina: CiCCUS
Pizarro, C. 2020. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on labor migrants in Argentina. Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law, 3 (COVID-19 and mobility). Pp. 114-121. ISSN 2076-4650
Pizarro, C. 2020. Migration governance and state controls and vigilance in Argentina. Social Technology Research, 101. Moscú. 44-48.
Straccia, P. y Pizarro, C. 2019. Ecología política: aportes de la sociología y de la antropología (Politic Ecology: contributions of Sociology and Anthropology). Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural, 16(84)
Pizarro, C. y Escobar Decoud, C. 2019. Poverty and Migration Networks: Paraguayan Workers in Forestry Industry in Argentina. Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law, N° 1-2. Pp 112-122. ISSN 2076-4650.
Pizarro, C., Ortiz, D. y Straccia, P. 2019. Trayectorias y experiencias migratorias entre Paraguay y Argentina: trabajadores paraguayos en la producción forestal del Delta del río Paraná (Migratiion Trajectories and experiences between Paraguay and Argentina: Paraguayan workers in forestry industry of the Parana River Delta) . Revista Migraciones, 46: 63-90. ISSN 2341-0833
Pizarro, C., Ciarallo, A. 2018. Circulaciones migratorias (Migration circulations). Temas de Antropología y Migración, 10: 27-40. ISSN 1853-354X. Revista electrónica.
Straccia, P. y Pizarro, C. 2017. Controversias acerca del concepto servicios ecosistémicos. Resignificaciones sobre el impacto de la forestación en los humedales del Delta Inferior del río Paraná (Controversies about the concept ecosystem services. Resignifications on the impact of afforestation on the wetlands of the Lower Delta of the Paraná River). Revista Agronomía & Ambiente, 37 (2): 99-113. ISSN: 0325-9250. Indexada.
Pizarro Cynthia. 2017. Paraguayans in the forest sector of the Argentine economy. RUDN Journal of Economics, vol. 25, n° 1, pp. 137—145. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow ISSN 2408-8986 (online); ISSN 2313-2329 (print). DOI 10.22363/2313-2329-2017-25-1 -
Trpin, Verónica; Pizarro, Cynthia. 2017. Movilidad territorial, circuitos laborales y desigualdades en producciones agrarias de Argentina: abordajes interdisciplinares y debates conceptuales (Territorial Mobility, Labor Circuits and Inequalities in Agriculture in Argentina: Interdisciplinary Approaches and Conceptual Debate). REMHU, Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana (Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Mobility), 25(49): 35-58. Print version ISSN 1980-8585. On-line version ISSN 2237-9843 Brasília.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2015. Migration Policies and State Control in Argentina: Experiences of Vulnerable Bolivian Women who Cross the Borders. Geography, Environment, Sustainability Journal, 2, Moscow State University. 8(2), 61-78. ISSN 2071-9388. Papel y electrónica:
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2015. Migration, Integration and Multiculturalism. современная наука и инновации. научный журнал, 9(1), 133-136. Federal University of North-Caucasus. Stavropol, Pitigorsk, Federación Rusa. ISSN 2307-910X.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2012. Clasificar a los otros migrantes: las políticas de migración argentinas como productoras de etnicidad y desigualdad (Classifying “the Others-Migrants”: Argentine Migratorty Regulations as Producers of Ethnicity and Inequality) Métis, Revista de Historia & Cultura (Métis, Journal of History & Culture) 11(22): 219-240. Brazil.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2012. (Des)marcaciones de la bolivianidad en los hornos de ladrillos de dos localidades argentinas ((Un)marking Bolivianness in a Brick Manufactory Sites Located in two Argentine Metropolitan Areas). Temas de Antropología y Migración (Anthropology and Migration Issues) 3: 23-39. Argentina.
Pizarro, C. y Ortiz, D. 2019. Vivir (después de) la inundación en “la Isla”. Las experiencias de “su” paisaje de los habitantes de la Zona Núcleo Forestal (Living in the island during and after the flow. The experiences of “their” landscape of the inhabitants of the Forestry Core). En Pizarro, Cynthia (ed.) “Nosotros creamos el Delta.” Habitar, forestar y conservar un humedal: 161-182. Buenos Aires: CICCUS.
Pizarro, C. Dayan, L. y Maestripieri, E. 2019. Saberes locales sobre la flora y la fauna. Resignificaciones del discurso preservacionista sobre la biodiversidad en la Zona Núcleo Forestal (Local knowledges about flora and fauna. Resignificances of the preservacionist discourse about biodiversity in the Forestry Core. En Pizarro, Cynthia (ed.) “Nosotros creamos el Delta.” Habitar, forestar y conservar un humedal: 135-160. Buenos Aires: CICCUS.
Pizarro, Cynthia; Ciccale Smit, Mercedes; Moreira, Carlos Javier. 2018. “Vino la marea y nos dejó en la vía”. Experiencias de las inundaciones de productores forestales en un área del Delta Inferior del río Paraná (“The Flow Came and We Were Left in the Street”. Forestry Farmers’ Experiences of Flows in an Area of the Paraná River’s Delta). In Benencia, R. (ed.) Ruralidades, actividades económicas y mercados de trabajo en el Delta vecino a la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (Ruralities, Economic Activities and Labor Markets in the Delta Located near the Metropolis of Buenos Aires City). Buenos Aires: CICCUS.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2016. Trabajadores paraguayos en la producción forestal del Delta Inferior del río Paraná. Paraguayan Laborers in Forestry Producion in the Paraná River`s Delta) In Aparicio, Susana; Benencia, Roberto. (ed.) De migrantes y asentados. Trabajo estacional en el agro argentino (About Migrants and Settled: Seasonal Work in Argentine’s Agriculture): 112-136. Buenos Aires: CICCUS. ISBN 978-987-693-045-1.
Pizarro, Cynthia; Ryazantsev, Sergey 2016. Trajectories and Lives of Labor Migrants in Perspective: From Bolivia to Argentina and from Tajikistan to the Russian Federation. En co-autoría con. In Pizarro, Cynthia (ed.) Bolivian Labor Immigrants` Experiences in Argentina: 125-138. Maryland. Lexington Books. ISBN 978-1-4985-1416-3.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2016. Intersection of Inequalities: Migratory Trajectories, Labor Experiences, and Family Life of Bolivian Women on the Outskirts of Buenos Aires and Córdoba. In Pizarro, Cynthia (ed.) Bolivian Labor Immigrants` Experiences in Argentina: 51-66. Maryland. Lexington Books. ISBN 978-1-4985-1416-3.
Pizarro, Cynthia; Moreno, Marta Silvia. 2016. Differential Migration Pathways of Bolivian Women Working in Horticultural Fields in Mendoza. In Pizarro, Cynthia (ed.) Bolivian Labor Immigrants` Experiences in Argentina: 37-50. Maryland. Lexington Books. ISBN 978-1-4985-1416-3.
Pizarro, Cynthia; Fabbro, Pablo; Ferreiro, Mariana. 2014. “No conozco trabajo más perro que éste”: Reproducción y resistencia de la subalternidad de los trabajadores bolivianos en un cortadero de ladrillos de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina (“I Don’t Know a Worst Job”: Reproduction and Ressistance of Bolivian Laborers in a Bricks Factory in Córdoba City, Argentina). In Betrisey Nadali, Débora (comp.) Poder, Políticas e Inmigración en América Latina (Power, Policies and Migration in Latin America: 95-112. Barcelona: Editorial Bellaterra. Barcelona. ISBN 978-84-7290-686-0.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2013. La bolivianidad en disputa. (Des)marcaciones de etnicidad en contextos migratorios (Bolivianness in Dispute. Ethnicity (Un)Marking in Migratory Contexts). In: Migraciones internacionales. Reflexiones y estudios sobre la movilidad territorial contemporánea. (International Migrations: Reflections and Studies on Contemporaneous Territorial Mobility). Karasik, Gabriela Alejandra, editor. Buenos Aires: CICCUS, pp. 331-360
Pizarro, Cynthia; Ryazsantsev, Sergei. 2013. Trajectories of Tajik and Bolivian Migrant Workers in Russia and Argentina. In Migration Bridges in Eurasia. V International Conference Labour Migration in the Russian Federation: the Prevention of Forced Labour, the Promotion of Social-Economical Development, Improvement Regulation. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, pp. 532-542.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2012. Health and Bolivian Inmigrants in Argentina. In Migratory Bridges in Eurasia. IV International Symposium, Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, pp. 290-298.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2012. Bolivian Transnational Labor Migration to Argentina. In Migratory Bridges in Eurasia. IV International Symposium. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences: pp. 280-289.
Pizarro, Cynthia. 2012. Discurso racializante y segmentación étnico-nacional del mercado laboral: Trabajadores bolivianos en un cortadero de ladrillos de Córdoba, Argentina (Racializing Discourse and Labor market Ethnic-national Segmentation: Bolivian Workers in a Brick Factory in Córdoba, Argentina). In Benencia, Roberto; Herrera Lima, Fernando; Levine, Elaine (eds.).Ser migrante latinoamericano, ser vulnerable, trabajar precariamente (Being a Latin American migrant, being vulnerable, working precariously). Madrid: Colección CSH. Editorial de la División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Campus Iztapalapa – Editorial Anthropos, pp. 79-94.