Joint Activities of the Research Unit
- 3rd Conference of the Research Unit "Social Inequalities in the Gulf and Beyond" in Taipeh, Taiwan.
- Book Launch: Amrita Datta (Bielefeld University): Stories of the Indian Immigrant Communities in Germany, 16th April 2024, 6:00-7:30pm (CET). Global South Studies Center, Seminarroom 2.53, Classen-Kappelmann-Strasse 24, Ground Floor (hybrid event).
- Public Lecture: Kaveh Yazdani (University of Connecticut, USA): "Between Hired and Forced Productive Labor: Transition from Simple to Generalized Commodity Production in 17th and 18th Century Gujarat and Mysore?", 25th October 2023, 5:45-7:15pm (CET)
- Audio-visual station: Alter Voices - Covid Stories. An Intervention at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Cäcilienstraße 29-33, 50667 Köln, 18 May - 11 June 2023
- Panel: Global-African entanglement: transformation and continuity of social inequalities and labour practices. Panel Anth33 during the ECAS 9 Conference. Cologne 31 May - 4 June 2023.
- 2nd Conference of the Research Unit "Social Inequalities in the Gulf and Beyond" in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates and excursions to field sites in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
- Virtual Public Lecture: Ho-fung Hung (Johns Hopkins University, USA): "Market Economy, Social Inequality, and Paternalistic State in China since the 17th-18th Century", 12th October 2022, 5:45-7:15pm (CET)
- Virtual Public Lecture: Opolot Okia (Wright State University, USA): "The Chimera of Abolition: Forced Labor in Colonial British East and West Afrika, 1894-1939", 18th May 2022, 5:45-7:15pm (CET)
- Interview with the Research Unit conducted by the Division 7 Research Management of the University of Cologne. 23.02.2022, interview series 'UoC Insights'.
- Opening Conference of the Research Unit "The Production and Reproduction of Social Inequalities", 11.-12.11.2021, Conference Website
Activities of Individual Projects
- Presentation by Meron Zeleke at Apad Conference 2024 in Liège, 22.-24.05.2024: Employment of Migrant workers in the Textile Industry in Ethiopia
- Presentation by Fabiana Kutsche at the University of Vienna at the 17. Workshop of the Research Cluster on Women’s and Gender History on “Feministische Akteur*innen im Kontext von Kolonialismus und Postkolonialismus”, 10.11.2023.
- Presentation by Fabiana Kutsche, Ulrike Lindner, Jonathan Ngeh & Michaela Pelican at Symposium of Volkswagen Foundation Perspectives on Social Inequality and Wealth, 4.-5.10.2023: The Production and Reproduction of Social Inequalities: Global Contexts and Concepts of Labor Exploitation.
- American Council on Germany (ACG) Study Groups Discussion on Social Cohesion. “German discourses around critical race, post- and decolonial perspectives” with Jonathan Ngeh, Monica van der Haagen-Wulff and Stephan Milich. University of Cologne, 4th September 2023.
- Presentation by Michaela Pelican at Cologne Summer School on Migration, University of Cologne, 13.-31.8.23. Keynote: South-South / South-North migration: changing trajectories and migration regimes.
- Presentation by Michaela Pelican, Jonathan Ngeh and Tu Huynh at the DGSKA conference in Munich, 25.-28.7.2023: Confronting power asymmetry in knowledge production: lessons from intercultural collaborative research.
- Panel organised by Michaela Pelican and Jonathan Ngeh at the 20th IMISCOE annual conference in Warsaw, 3rd - 6th July 2023: Debates on “Human trafficking” and practices of coercive labor exploitation: Critical review of local and international perspectives.
- Presentation by Jonathan Ngeh and Michaela Pelican at the 20th IMISCOE annual conference: Strange alliances and dis/connections in the fight against trafficking in person: Cameroon to the Gulf states. Warsaw, 3rd - 6th July 2023
Presentation by Tu Huynh at the Legacy of Slavery and Indentured Labor Conference III: Chinese Indentured Labor, Afterlife of ‘New Slavery’: Beyond a Black-White Binary in South Africa. Paramaribo, Suriname, 6-10th June 2023.
- Panel organized by Ulrike Lindner and Meron Zeleke at the ECAS conference in Cologne, 31.05.-03.06.2023: Global-African entanglement: transformation and continuity of social inequalities and labour practices (panel Anth33). Chair: Michaela Pelican; discussants: Anne Kubai, Cynthia Pizarro.
- Presentation by Jonathan Ngeh at the ECAS 9 Conference. Cologne 31 May - 4 June 2023: Discourses of “Human Trafficking”in Cameroon: Dis/Connections Between Local and External Perspectives.
- Roundtable discussion with Jonathan Ngeh, Chareston Thomas, Divine Fuh, Faisal Muhammed, Ndapewa Fenny Nakanyete, Stha Yeni and ShaNon Bobinger: Is there a future for African Studies in Europe? ECAS 9 Conference. Cologne 31 May - 4 June 2023
- Presentation by Jonathan Ngeh at Department of Social and Cultural anthropology, University of Münster: Strange alliances and dis/connections in the fight against trafficking in persons: the context of migration from Cameroon to the Gulf states, 10th May 2023
- Participation of Meron Zeleke Eresso and Michaela Pelican in the Grantees Meeting of the funding initiative "Knowledge for Tomorrow” of the Volkswagen Foundation, Naivasha, 3rd to 6th April 2023:
- Presentation by Jonathan Ngeh at the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) Conference: Confronting power asymmetry in knowledge production: lessons from intercultural collaborative research. Washington DC, 14th February 2023
- Presentation by Fabiana Kutsche at „Kolloquium zur Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte“, University of Bielefeld, 24th January 2023
- Presentation by Michaela Pelican, Tu Huynh and Jonathan Ngeh in the seminar L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS): Decolonising anthropological research practices. Paris, 12th January 2023
- Poster Presentation by Jonathan Ngeh and Michaela Pelican at the forum „Corona Crisis and Beyond“, Volkswagen Foundation Hannover, 5th-7th December 2022: Communication during and after Covid-19: (re)producing social inequalities and/or opportunities among African migrants in the United Arab Emirates and China.
- Presentation by Fabiana Kutsche at the annual conference of the German Labour History Association, titled “Arbeit/Zeit. Umkämpfte Beziehungen und umstrittene Deutungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert“, at Museum der Arbeit Hamburg, 3rd-5th November 2022, (Conference report:
- Presentation by Fabiana Kutsche at the annual workshop of the PhD Network “Regimes of Inequality. Past and Present”, Fribourg/ Schweiz, 13th-15th October 2022, (
- Lecture by Jonathan Ngeh at the Centre for Development Research, University of Bonn, Bonn International Graduate School for Development Research (BIGS-DR) interdisciplinary course.10th October 2022: "Inclusion and exclusion in knowledge production: lessons from intercultural collaborative research."
- Presentation by Jonathan Ngeh in the symposium "Uncertain mobilities" at the Department of Sociology, University of Siegen. 8th October 2022: Ambivalence and the gendered dimension of human trafficking in cross border mobility".
- Presentation by Fabiana Kutsche at the bei der AHRC Conference Hybridity in Cambridge, UK, 19th - 22nd September 2022.
- Presentation by Jonathan Ngeh in the "International lecture series: meet our international researchers" at the University of Cologne. 13th July 2022: "Confronting power asymmetry in knowledge production: lessons from intercultural collaborative research."
- International Workshop by Ulrike Lindner and Nicholas B. Miller on Plantation Knowledge, 15-17 June 2022.
- Keynote (hybrid) by Richard B. Allen (Framingham State, Massachusetts): Transcending the Tyranny of the Particular in Plantation Labor Studies, 15 June 2022.
- Presentation by Jonathan Ngeh in the Panel "Activism, hope and future horizons on the African continent", Annual Conference of the Swedish Anthropologial Association (SANT), Gothenburg, 29th April 2022: "Migration and human trafficking in the Global South: Cameroon to the Arab Gulf States."
- Presentation by Fabiana Kutsche at „Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Arbeitswelten“, organised by the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation & Hans-Böckler Foundation, 22nd November 2021
- Presentation by Jonathan Ngeh and Michaela Pelican in the Panel "Decentering Universities: Transnational collaborative research – biases, spaces, challenges”, Conference of the German Anthropological Association (DGSKA), 28th September 2021: Confronting Power Asymmetry in Knowledge Production: Lessons from Intercultural Collaborative Research.
- Seminar taught by Ulrike Lindner and Michaela Pelican on Inequality for M.A. students of History and Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Cologne, Summer Semester 2021.
- Presentation by Michaela Pelican and Jonathan Ngeh in the lecture series "Sixty Minutes in Ethnography, Theory, Anthropology", University of Cologne, 14th July 2021: The production and reproduction of social inequalities: global contexts and concepts of labor exploitation.
Roundtable Discussion with Michaela Pelican, Amrita Datta, Jonathan Ngeh, Ratna Mani Nepal and Habibul Khondker, NIICE Global Conclave 2021, Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement, 25th June 2021: Impacts of the Pandemic on Transnational Migration.
Panel Discussion with Ulrike Lindner, Jonathan Ngeh and Michaela Pelican, 27th October 2020: Remembering Spanish Flu during Covid-19: Reinforcing Existing Inequalities or Opening up New Opportunities? Moderation: Amrita Datta, Web Talk Series: Corona Conversations: Mobility in a (Post)Covid Future.
Guest lecture of Jonathan Ngeh in the World Science Café, 13th February 2020: Migration & Human Trafficking in the Global South.
Guest Lecture of Meron Zeleke at the GSSC, 29th May 2019: Sisters on the Move: Ethiopia’s Gendered Labour Migration Milieu.
This Research Unit is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation