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  • Zeleke, Meron, Bruzzi, Silvia (2025): “Chapter 4: Islam and Gender in Ethiopia" In: Herman, Margaux (ed.): History of Women in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Centre francais des études éthiopiennes. Published on OpenEdition Books: DOI: 10.4000/13255

  • Pelican, M., Kembo, T. G. H., Atabong, A. A., Ngeh, J. (2024): “Gender Dynamics in the Fight against Trafficking in Persons in Cameroon.” Policy Brief based on Workshop, Ministry of Justice, Yaoundé, 25.7.2024
  • Kutsche, Fabiana , Ngeh, Jonathan  and Pelican, Michaela  (2024): “Producing and reproducing social inequalities through labor exploitation across time and space. An intermediate analysis.” Cologne Working Papers in Cultural and Social Anthropology (KAE), 10. URI:
  • Ngeh, Jonathan (2024): "Gender Dynamics of ‘Human Trafficking’: Migration from Cameroon to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States." Journal of Asian and African Studies, 59(7), 2243-2256.
  • Gallo, Ester, Ngeh, Jonathan & Diallo, Souleymane (2024): "The Socio-Cultural Life of Migration Categories: Insights Across the Global South and North–Introduction to the Special Issue." Journal of Asian and African Studies, 59(7), 2109-2124.
  • Gallo, Ester, Ngeh, Jonathan & Diallo, Souleymane (Eds)  (2024): "Re-Examining Migration Categories. Refugees, Migrants, Non-migrants and Human Trafficking Across the Global South and North." Journal of Asian and African Studies, 59(7), 2109 - 2243.
  • Huynh, Tu (2024): "From South Africa to the World: The Political and Legal Legacies of Chinese Indenture in the Transvaal." In Slavery & Abolition, 2024, Volume 45 (3), 461-480
  • Zeleke, Meron, Smith, Lahara (Ed.) (2024): "African Perspectives & Experiences of South–South Migration." Routledge Studies on African and Black Diaspora Book Series. London: Routledge. Open Access.
  • Zeleke, Meron (2024): "Gender, Children and Family in African Migration." In: Makina, Daniel, Pasura, Dominic (Ed.): A Handbook on Contemporary African Migration. London: Routledge, 209-228
  • Fejerskov, Adam Moe, Zeleke, Meron (2024): "Return Migration, Masculinities and the Fallacy of Reintegration: Ethiopial Experiences." In: Journal of Eastern African Studies, DOI: 10.1080/17531055.2023.2322195
  • Feyissa, Dereje, Zeleke, Meron, Gebresenbet, Fana (2024): Migration as a Collective Project in the Global South: A Case Study from the Ethiopia–South Africa Corridor" In: Crawley, H., Teye, J.K. (eds): The Palgrave Handbook of South–South Migration and Inequality. London: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

  • Barabantseva, E., C. Grillot, M. Pelican (2023): "Embodied by state borders: citizenship negotiations of children in Chinese–foreign families in the People’s Republic of China." In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 2023, 1-22. Open access: DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2206000
  • Feyissa, Dereje, Zeleke, Meron (2023): "Negotiating decline. The changing political fortunes of Orthodox Christianity within the Ethiopian polity." In: Journal of North-Eastern African Studies. 2023, 11-55.

  • Huynh, Tu (2022): “Loathing and Love: Postcard Representations of Indentured Chinese Labourers in South Africa’s Reconstruction, 1904-10.” In: J. Leeb-duToit, R. Simbao, and R. Anthony (eds.). Visualising China in Southern Africa: Biography, Circulation, Transgression. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
  • Huynh, Tu (2022): “New Livelihood Strategies and Ways of Being for African Women and Men in China’s Workshop of the World.” In: C. Rojas and L. Rofel (eds.). China and the Global South: New World Orderings. Durham: Duke University Press, 95-112.
  • Kutsche, Fabiana (2022): "Hermann von Wissmann (1853-1905) – eine biografische Annäherung." In: Kutsche, F. et al. (eds.): Hermann von Wissmann und Bad Lauterberg – eine Spurensuche (Spuren Harzer Zeitgeschichte 9). Clausthal: Papierflieger.
  • Kutsche, Fabiana (2022): "Christliche Verantwortung für das Volk übernehmen. Intersektionale Verschränkungen im politischen Selbstverständnis des Deutsch-Evangelischen Frauenbunds zwischen 1945-1965." In: fzg 28, pp. 19-34.
  • Lindner, Ulrike (2022): "Zwischen Weltgeltung, Rassismus und globalen Bezügen. Das Kaiserreich und seine Kolonien.“ In: Birgit Aschmann/Monika Wienfort (Hg.): Zwischen Licht und Schatten. Das Kaiserreich (1871-1914) und seine neuen Kontroversen, Frankfurt a. M./New York: Campus, pp. 95-127.
  • Lindner, Ulrike (2022): "Imperialismus in Deutschland – Vernetzungen im Rheinland und in Westfalen.“ In: Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst/Fabian Fechner/Stefanie Michels (Hg.): Nordrhein-Westfalen und der Imperialismus, Berlin: Metropol, pp. 29-45.
  • Pelican, Michaela; Schumann, Kim; Plücken, Sinah; Drew, David (2022): "Mbororo under Attack: Extreme Speech and Violence in the Anglophone Conflict in Cameroon." Freiburg: ABI Working Paper 21.
  • Pelican, Michaela (2022): "The Anglophone conflict in Cameroon – historical and political background." Freiburg: ABI Working Paper 20.
  • Kisse, Edward; Lawson, Tom; Lindner, Ulrike; Zadoff, Mirjam (2022): "A European Vergangenheitsbewältigung? New Entanglements of Holocaust and Colonial Histories" In: Michelle Gordon und Rachel O´Sullivan (Eds). Colonial Paradigms of Violence. Comparative Analysis of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Mass Killing. Göttingen: Wallstein, 217-242.
  • Ngeh, Jonathan (2022): ‘Bed-space’ housing in Dubai: African migrants, ambivalence towards authorities and gender differences. Ethnography. 
  • Ngeh, Jonathan (2022): “When the Abuse of Ethnic Minorities Becomes Normalized in a Progressive Society” In: S. Hassanen and C. Westin (Eds). Migration and State Formation after Colonialism. Trenton: The Red Sea Press, 159-187.
  • Ngeh, Jonathan and Michaela Pelican (2022): “Innovation, Music and Future Making by Young Africans in a Challenging Environment: Examples from Cameroon and Nigeria” In: C. Greiner, S. van Wolputte, and M. Bollig (Eds). African Futures. Leiden, Boston: BRILL, 285-295.
  • Zeleke, Meron (2022): "Metema became my Istanbul" The Complex Transit Trajectories of Ethiopian Female Migrants. In: African Human Mobility Review Journal 8 (1): 9-33.



This Research Unit is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation