Prof. Dr. Marcel van der Linden
International Institute of Social History
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Research Focus
- Social History
- Labour History
- Social Movement History
Education and professional career
Marcel van der Linden is Senior Fellow at the International Institute of Social History, where he served as Research Director between 2001 and 2014. He was also, since 1997, professor of Social Movement History at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). He received his PhD (1989) with highest honours at UvA, and was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Oslo (2008). He received the René Kuczynski Prize in 2009, and the German Historikerpreis (Bochum) in 2014. He was visiting professor in Vienna (2003 and 2008), held the Marcel Liebman Chair at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (2009-10), and was Concurrent Professor at the University of Nanjing (2009-12). He is a co-founder of the Association of Indian Labour Historians (1996), the European Labour History Network (2013) and the Global Labour History Network (2015). He is also President of the International Social History Association (2005-10, 2010-15, 2015-20). His books and articles have been published in seventeen languages.
Selected Publications
Marcel van der Linden's articles have appeared in many peer reviewed journals, including African Studies, Contemporanea: Rivista di storia dell’800 e del ‘900, Critique, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, Historia Contemporanea, Historia Social, Historical Materialism, International Labor and Working-Class History, International Review of Social History, Journal of American History, Journal of Communist Studies, Journal of Social History, Labor, Labor History, Labour History, Labour History Review, Labour/Le Travail, Le Mouvement Social, Sozial.Geschichte, Theory and Society, Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis, and Traverse: Zeitschrift für Geschichte/Revue d'histoire.
He (co-)authored or (co-)edited more than fifty books. Recent works include
- Transnational Labour History: Explorations (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003; Spanish edition 2006).
- Western Marxism and the Soviet Union. A Survey of Critical Theories and Debates since 1917 (Leiden: Brill, 2007; reprint Chicago: Haymarket, 2009; Korean and Chinese editions).
- Workers of the World. Essays toward a Global Labor History (Leiden: Brill, 2008; paperback edition 2010; Brazilian and German editions; Spanish and Turkish translations forthcoming).
- The Global History of Work. Critical Readings. 4 volumes (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019).
- The Social Question in the 21st Century: A Global View (co-edited; Oakland: University of California Press, 2019).